How To Protect Yourself After A Car Accident

Law Office of Jack M. Shapiro, P.C.
  1. Call the police from the accident scene.

  2. Exchange driver and insurance information with the other drivers.

  3. Take photographs of the accident scene, the vehicles involved and any damage to any of the vehicles.

  4. Provide the police with a detailed description of the collision and your injuries. Request an ambulance if necessary.

  5. Seek immediate medical attention. Provide all doctors with a detailed description of the collision and all of your injuries.

  6. Take photographs of any bodily injuries, including cuts, scratches and bruising.

  7. Keep a detailed record of all doctor appointments, injuries, symptoms, lost income and out of pocket expenses.

  8. DO NOT POST anything to social media!

  9. DO NOT SPEAK with any insurance company, including your own, about your bodily injuries. It is okay to report the collision and vehicle/property damage, but do not discuss your injuries or medical treatment.

  10. Consult with your attorney.